

The CRMC Graduate School advances the academic standing of the institution by empowering graduate and professional students to undergo scholarly study and innovative research to enhance their profession. The CRMC Graduate School give emphases on the following strategic areas to achieve our mission:

  • Student Involvement: The CRMC Graduate School supports the student involvement in research to enable academic achievement and individual professional development. Our goals address the need to improve graduate studies to be student-centered, supporting the whole graduate student experience, mainly focusing on professional development and transfer of skills. This can be achieved through improved academic mentoring of individual students.
  • Faculty, Staff and Field Support: The primary function of the Graduate School is to carry out continuous, effective, and range of services that enable all efforts and resources to research, scholarship, instruction, and professional development for their students. The philosophy of the CRMC Graduate School is to work collaboratively with multidisciplinary fields to support graduate education at CRMC. CRMC Graduate School staff support graduate studies in admissions, student services, academic integrity, policies and procedures, and enrolling students and maintaining student records. The CRMC Graduate
  • Multidisciplinary: The CRMC Graduate School aims to foster the academic, professional, and individual success of a varied graduate student populace, through the engagement in the field of multidisciplinary research practice. Our call is to cater the entire experience of the graduate student including: general recruitment and entry procedures; collaborative programs supporting varied students; authentic initiatives supporting student engagement in academic and professional development; support for diverse student needs; and faculty resources addressing student mentoring and student welfare. Student Involvement: The CRMC Graduate School supports the student involvement in research to enable academic achievement and individual professional development. Our goals address the need to improve graduate studies to be student-centered, supporting the whole graduate student experience, mainly focusing on professional development and transfer of skills. This can be achieved through improved academic mentoring of individual students.
  • Constant Improvement through Assessment: To promote quality in learning, the CRMC Graduate School organizes the CRMC graduate assessment processes and tracks partnerships and external funding prospects to develop innovative assemblies in support of students' academic and professional development. Organized data collection, communication, and accessible dashboards regarding entire aspects of graduate studies are able to inform decision making in Multidisciplinary fields and by the Graduate School, and through informative data, by potential and present students.


The CRMC Graduate School allows diverse graduate and professional students and graduate faculty to succeed in their intellectual and professional endeavors and improve academic achievement.

Core Values

  • Knowledge - The CRMC Graduate School advocates the thrust as a knowledge provider through its continuous faculty development programs, trainings and workshops to upgrade the graduate students and faculty with the current trends in education.
  • Integrity - With its aim of developing quality research outputs, the CRMC Graduate School supports ethical standards in the conduct of research to uplift the integrity of all students' scholarly work.
  • Innovation - The CRMC Graduate School is at the forefront of developing innovative ways of improving academic achievement of students through technology and research-based and research-oriented teaching and learning process.


  • Master of Arts in Education major in Educational Management
  • Master of Arts in Education major in Mathematics